North Dakota Is Working

to Rebuild Animal Agriculture

A Healthy Agriculture Economy Includes More Livestock Opportunities

North Dakota Is Working to Rebuild Animal Agriculture

A Healthy Agriculture Economy Includes More Livestock Opportunities

Positive Economic Impacts of ND Animal Ag

North Dakota agriculture is not an either-or proposition. It is not livestock versus crops, it is not big farms versus small farms. Animal Agriculture and Value Added Ag Industries are one of the best opportunities to expand farming operations for generations to come and maintain our rich agricultural heritage.

$2 Million+

Farmgate to main street economic impact from a livestock feeding operation*

$60 Million+

Farmgate to main street economic impact of a 5000 head dairy operation*

* Based on economic impact studies from SD projects calculation salaries, secondary business impacts and farm related income.

Why Growing ND Animal Ag is Critical

Enhances local markets for crop commodities as value added animal feed

Increased availability of animal fertilizers for local crop farmers

Supports the expansion of family farms for additional generations

Value added animal ag facilities create economic opportunity and jobs

Supports new and emerging technologies

Creates an opportunity for more local food products

North Dakota’s Ag Economy

North Dakota is a leader in ag commodities, but continues to fall behind in animal agriculture. We send our livestock and crop commodities out of state for our neighbors benefit, only to buy it back as value added products, losing valuable profits and economic opportunity in every step of the food supply chain.


in revenue and only

is from livestock production


in revenue and only

is from livestock production

Did you know that ND currently imports more than 90% of our:

Milk, Pork, Beef, Eggs, Poultry.

North Dakota can reclaim it’s rich livestock heritage and create opportunities that support family farms, local communities and every North Dakota consumer. We can no longer look away while our livestock numbers dwindle or use the argument not in my backyard without understanding the opportunity.

The Reality of Doing Nothing

The cost of doing nothing to support the North Dakota livestock industry has been high.

A Decline in Animal Ag Production

Missed Economic Opportunities

Lost Jobs

Sending Value Added Ag to Our Neighbors in MN and SD

Letting Down Our Local Animal Ag Producers

Get a “Moo”ve On

Modern agriculture is competitive, it’s expensive and it’s global. It requires more tools and more resources than ever before. Help us rebuild our animal ag industry for the good of all North Dakota agriculture and the North Dakota economy.

North Dakota supports animal ag and is creating tools and funding to grow the livestock industry.

North Dakota Department of Agriculture

600 E Boulevard Ave Dept 602
Bismarck, ND 58505-0020
(701) 328-2231
Fax: 701.328.4567